Rhinoplasty or nose surgery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures today, that can correct many aesthetic and functional abnormalities of the nose. A well-shaped nose can greatly improve the overall balance and beauty of the face. Under general anesthesia, a small “w-shaped” incision is made in the skin of the columella (the structure between your nostrils) and if needed, also at the base of the alae (the flaring part of the nostrils). The bone and cartilage of the nose are carefully sculpted to give the intended result. After surgery, the nose is taped with a nasal splint to hold the support structures in place. Absorbable sutures are used inside the nose and non-resorbable sutures at external incisions. Patients can usually go home the next surgery day. A small sponge is placed in the nose to prevent bleeding and can be removed 2 days after the surgery. The tape and nasal splint are usually removed on day seven. Mild to moderate bruising underneath the eye for 1-2 weeks may occur. Pain is well-controlled with prescribed pain medicine and patients may return to normal physical exercise after two weeks. However, contact sports should be avoided for six weeks following surgery. There are no visible scars after you’ve fully recovered from a rhinoplasty.